Simple To-Do List with Ant Design v3.0 and React.js

Prahasta Giri
1 min readDec 25, 2019


Ok so basically I was just introduced to ant design by a co-worker and I tried to make a simple to-do list.

Yes it is basic

For me personally ant design is easy to use. Some of the components have the same traits as bootstrap. In Ant Design there’s the row and col component just like in bootstrap but instead of 12, it has 24 widths.

Also, Ant design has dapper components design (at least for my personal taste) and when I use them it feels lighter than bootstrap.

But, there’re still a limited number of choices for components and customization that can be applied to the component. This may be due to my brain's low-functionality.

It’s been 2 months since I’m using Ant Design and it's quite enjoyable to work with.

For your information, Ant Design 3.0 is not applicable with the earlier version of nextJs



Prahasta Giri

I love to share what I know on things that trigger my curiosity.